Thursday, May 14, 2009

Human Body: Going Vegetarian during your Pregnancy

Now that you’re pregnant, you’re wondering if your decision to become vegetarian can still be carried out successfully during your pregnancy. And while it is possible for you to obtain all the nutrients your body will need during pregnancy through a well-planned, nutrient-dense vegetarian diet, careful planning and observation will be crucial to your overall success transitioning to vegetarianism during your pregnancy.

In other words: take it slow and be smart!

A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent if you so choose. Fast food, highly processed junk foods, and canned fruits and vegetables are eaten rarely if at all. It’s imperative that you make wise food choices at this crucial time, since a pregnant woman only needs approximately 300 more calories per day and about 10-16 extra grams of protein; however, the body's need for certain nutrients increases significantly. Every bite you take is important when you're pregnant.

While the RDAs (recommended daily allowances) for almost all nutrients increase, especially important are folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12. Attention to adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 is crucial for vegetarians who choose not to eat eggs and dairy.

Work closely with your healthcare professional during this transition. The changeover from a meat-eating to a vegetarian diet can be rough on your body as it actually goes through a detoxification process during the transition. So, you want to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs at this time, and is growing and developing at a healthy rate. Start very slowly; perhaps only one or two days per week eating a vegetarian diet.

Gradually work soy and other plant-based proteins into your diet, and little by little use them to replace proteins obtained from eating meat products. Be sure to adequately supplement your diet with a quality prenatal supplement, and get adequate amounts of exercise and exposure to sunlight to promote your body to naturally produce vitamin D.

With careful planning, observation, and your healthcare professional’s guidance, the transition to vegetarianism during your pregnancy can be a cleansing and healthy start for both you and your baby to a lifetime of optimal health.

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Author: Nicholas Tan

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Nicholas Tan has been involved in Article Writing, providing Free Articles, Internet Marketing, SEO, Adwords, & Adsense for more than 5 years and designs and develops websites. Submit your free articles and get your articles noticed! Get your Free Articles here! Submit Articles! We provide free articles and information. Check us out at Free Articles!

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Why is BMI so important when losing weight!

For many people, there comes a time in life when they will sit down and take a closer look at their health, diet and physical condition. This reassessment can come at any time and can be provoked by many triggers, including unexpected medical concerns, or sudden weight problems.

Dealing with the many challenges life presents, it is easy to forget the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Before we know it, nutritional values and eating habits shift, and little time is left for physical activities. Sometimes fitness plans are even completely eliminated.

Lack of exercise and the consumption of unhealthy foods can lead to serious health problems. Obesity or any other type of drastic weight change can be dangerous and should undoubtedly be addressed immediately.

A simple diet, meal planning, counting calories, and tailor-made work outs are some of the changes that can bring incredible weight and health improvements. Of course, booking success is not enough; it also has to be recorded and maintained. Today, a variety of measuring tools are available and you can even calculate your own body mass.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a preferred method used to measure body fat. It is a simple mathematical formula, consisting of your weight divided by the square of your height.

  • BMI English formula = [(weight in pounds) ÷ (height in inches × height in inches)] x 703
  • BMI Metric formula = weight in kilograms ÷ (height in meters × height in meters)

If this formula sounds confusing, easy to use BMI calculators can be found on many health and lifestyle websites.

BMI results are categorized as followed:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or higher

Although fairly accurate, BMI is not a professional diagnostic instrument and should not replace the thorough tests a doctor can do. To determine if you are indeed overweight, he will also take other factors in account. Your gender and age can influence your score, as well as your muscular build, bone structure and the fat content of your entire body. To illustrate how some of these factors can play an important part in calculating weight and fat, just picture a body builder. Although this athlete may tip the scale quite heavily, he may have hardly any body fat. His weight may have accumulated from all the muscle he built during training, and not from eating large amounts of greasy hamburgers.

Screening your BMI is a great way to lose weight and monitor your wellbeing, especially if your BMI numbers have been elevated. People with higher Body Mass Index scores have a higher risk of developing certain weight-related illnesses, as well as high cholesterol, high blood sugar, heart diseases, or hypertension. In some cases health conditions caused by obesity can even be fatal.

Avoiding bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs will help lower your BMI score. Add regular physical activity, and eating meals balanced in protein, carbohydrates, fat and calories and you will not only live a healthier lifestyle, but also find peace of mind.

Author: Michael Jenkins

About the Author:

Australian Lifestyle & Fitness offers free BMI tools. These include a BMI calculator and articles on BMI to help you lose weight and keep it off.

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