Thursday, May 14, 2009

Human Body: Going Vegetarian during your Pregnancy

Now that you’re pregnant, you’re wondering if your decision to become vegetarian can still be carried out successfully during your pregnancy. And while it is possible for you to obtain all the nutrients your body will need during pregnancy through a well-planned, nutrient-dense vegetarian diet, careful planning and observation will be crucial to your overall success transitioning to vegetarianism during your pregnancy.

In other words: take it slow and be smart!

A good vegetarian diet has a wide variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, lentils, and nuts and some eggs and dairy or their equivalent if you so choose. Fast food, highly processed junk foods, and canned fruits and vegetables are eaten rarely if at all. It’s imperative that you make wise food choices at this crucial time, since a pregnant woman only needs approximately 300 more calories per day and about 10-16 extra grams of protein; however, the body's need for certain nutrients increases significantly. Every bite you take is important when you're pregnant.

While the RDAs (recommended daily allowances) for almost all nutrients increase, especially important are folic acid, iron, zinc, and vitamin B-12. Attention to adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 is crucial for vegetarians who choose not to eat eggs and dairy.

Work closely with your healthcare professional during this transition. The changeover from a meat-eating to a vegetarian diet can be rough on your body as it actually goes through a detoxification process during the transition. So, you want to ensure your baby is getting all the nutrients it needs at this time, and is growing and developing at a healthy rate. Start very slowly; perhaps only one or two days per week eating a vegetarian diet.

Gradually work soy and other plant-based proteins into your diet, and little by little use them to replace proteins obtained from eating meat products. Be sure to adequately supplement your diet with a quality prenatal supplement, and get adequate amounts of exercise and exposure to sunlight to promote your body to naturally produce vitamin D.

With careful planning, observation, and your healthcare professional’s guidance, the transition to vegetarianism during your pregnancy can be a cleansing and healthy start for both you and your baby to a lifetime of optimal health.

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Author: Nicholas Tan

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Nicholas Tan has been involved in Article Writing, providing Free Articles, Internet Marketing, SEO, Adwords, & Adsense for more than 5 years and designs and develops websites. Submit your free articles and get your articles noticed! Get your Free Articles here! Submit Articles! We provide free articles and information. Check us out at Free Articles!

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Why is BMI so important when losing weight!

For many people, there comes a time in life when they will sit down and take a closer look at their health, diet and physical condition. This reassessment can come at any time and can be provoked by many triggers, including unexpected medical concerns, or sudden weight problems.

Dealing with the many challenges life presents, it is easy to forget the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Before we know it, nutritional values and eating habits shift, and little time is left for physical activities. Sometimes fitness plans are even completely eliminated.

Lack of exercise and the consumption of unhealthy foods can lead to serious health problems. Obesity or any other type of drastic weight change can be dangerous and should undoubtedly be addressed immediately.

A simple diet, meal planning, counting calories, and tailor-made work outs are some of the changes that can bring incredible weight and health improvements. Of course, booking success is not enough; it also has to be recorded and maintained. Today, a variety of measuring tools are available and you can even calculate your own body mass.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a preferred method used to measure body fat. It is a simple mathematical formula, consisting of your weight divided by the square of your height.

  • BMI English formula = [(weight in pounds) ÷ (height in inches × height in inches)] x 703
  • BMI Metric formula = weight in kilograms ÷ (height in meters × height in meters)

If this formula sounds confusing, easy to use BMI calculators can be found on many health and lifestyle websites.

BMI results are categorized as followed:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or higher

Although fairly accurate, BMI is not a professional diagnostic instrument and should not replace the thorough tests a doctor can do. To determine if you are indeed overweight, he will also take other factors in account. Your gender and age can influence your score, as well as your muscular build, bone structure and the fat content of your entire body. To illustrate how some of these factors can play an important part in calculating weight and fat, just picture a body builder. Although this athlete may tip the scale quite heavily, he may have hardly any body fat. His weight may have accumulated from all the muscle he built during training, and not from eating large amounts of greasy hamburgers.

Screening your BMI is a great way to lose weight and monitor your wellbeing, especially if your BMI numbers have been elevated. People with higher Body Mass Index scores have a higher risk of developing certain weight-related illnesses, as well as high cholesterol, high blood sugar, heart diseases, or hypertension. In some cases health conditions caused by obesity can even be fatal.

Avoiding bad habits such as smoking, alcohol and drugs will help lower your BMI score. Add regular physical activity, and eating meals balanced in protein, carbohydrates, fat and calories and you will not only live a healthier lifestyle, but also find peace of mind.

Author: Michael Jenkins

About the Author:

Australian Lifestyle & Fitness offers free BMI tools. These include a BMI calculator and articles on BMI to help you lose weight and keep it off.

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

How to Maintain Our Health

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, there are two necessary ingredients: diet and fitness. While some believe that they are one thing all together, nothing could be further from the truth. It is quite possible to have a perfectly healthy diet with deplorable fitness habits. It is equally possible to be very physically fit with less than savory eating habits.

There's a clever little line in the Jimmy Buffet song "Fruitcakes" when his 'lady' is lamenting:
"I treat my body like a temple
You treat yours like a tent"

I can't help but think of this line whenever I think about all the people around the world who are going on these garbage in, garbage out diet plans hoping to achieve the weight loss success of those who are endorsing these products.

To be completely honest, it is possible to shed pounds through diet alone. It is difficult but possible. It is also possible to be physically fit and have a few extra pounds hanging around. To a large degree we are what we eat. If we consume a high fat low substance diet our bodies are going to lack the fuel required to burn the fat. At the same time if we aren't providing our bodies with the tools it needs to build muscle it doesn't matter how many weights we lift.

When it comes to diet and fitness, the best results are achieved when they work together rather than separately. Use your fitness routine to burn excess calories and use your diet in order to properly provide your body the nutrients and fuel it needs to build muscle. I've heard many times in my life that a pound of muscle weighs less than a pound of fat. While this is not true at all, a pound is a pound regardless; a pound of muscle occupies less space on the body than a pound of fat. Pound for pound, I would much rather mine be composed of muscle than fat. Dieting alone does not build muscle and that is something you will do well to remember in your efforts.

You should also realize that as you are building muscle you may be shedding inches while not showing a great deal of progress on the scale. It is very important that you keep this in mind throughout the weight loss process. Do not measure your progress by the scales alone or you will achieve misleading results. The problem is that far too many people do just this and get frustrated and give up when they are actually making progress. Do not allow yourself to be a victim of the scales. Look in the mirror, try on your tight pants, and measure your waistline. Measure your success by how you feel after climbing a flight of stairs not by how many pounds fell of the scale this week.

By incorporating fitness into your diet routine you are also enabling your body to burn off any extra calories you may have consumed during the day. This means that if you want to have a small 'cheat' during your day, you can make up for it by burning a few more calories than normal in the evening. This isn't something that should happen often but an occasional occurrence isn't going to make or break your diet.

You should also look at dieting and fitness as a ball and glove type of relationship. While you can play ball without the glove, it seems to work so much better if you have both. Diet and fitness when combined can create fantastic weight loss results for those who take them both seriously. The thing to remember is that neither works as well alone and neither will work unless you are willing to do the work. You must make this a priority in your life in order to achieve the best possible results.

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Things to Make Your Weight Loss Program Easier

A lot of us live our lives like penned animals. Built to move, too often we put ourselves in a cage. We have bodies designed for racing across the savannas, but we live a lifestyle designed for migrating from the bed to the breakfast table; to the car seat; to the office chair; to the restaurant booth; to the living room couch and back to the bed.

It was not always this way. Not long ago in the United States, a man who worked on a farm did the equivalent of 15 miles of jogging every day; and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging.

Today, our daily obligations of work and home keep us tied to our chairs, and if we want exercise, we have to seek it out.

In fact, health experts insist that obesity problem is probably caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much. Hence, it is important that people need to move around.

However, that does not mean that a lap or two around the old high school track will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not very efficient, experts say. They contend that if you just exercise and do not change your diet, you may be able to prevent weight gain or even lose a few pounds for a while.

Nevertheless, it is not something that you are likely to sustain unless exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, the easier it is to maintain your weight. Here is what to do every day to make sure that you get the exercise you need.

1. Get quality Zzzs.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to exercise, experts point out. If you feel worn out during the day, you are less likely to get much physical activity during the day.

In addition, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more, using food as a substance for the rest they need.

2. Walk the walk.

It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. In fact, it may be all you ever have to do, according to some professional advices of some health experts.

Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week. Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well worth the while.

3. Get treadmill.

When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you have a treadmill in the television room, you can catch up on your favorite shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance plan.

Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy walk.

4. Seize the time.

Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles. That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating exercise into your schedule.

Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

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Popular Diet Programs Overview

The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a good body shape, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness programs.

One may not have to go to the gym or the spa or any fitness center and spend much just to slim down to obtain that longed for sexy body. There are many books available which offer weight loss programs which are convenient, of course the books are not though. These weight loss programs, or diet plans are gaining immense popularity with so much publicity, testimonials and reviews that one may be confused which exactly to follow. So before choosing which weight loss plan to follow, try reading these summaries about the most popular diet programs out today.

Atkins' New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins.

This weight loss program encourages high protein diet and a trim down on the carbs. One can feast on vegetables and meat but should fast on bread and pasta. One is also not restricted against fat intake so it is okay to pour in the salad dressing and freely spread on the butter. However, after the diet, one may find himself lacking on fiber and calcium yet high in fat. Intake of grains and fruits are also limited.

Carbohydrate Addict's Diet by Drs. Heller.

This diet plan advocates low carbohyrate eating. Approves on eating meats, vegetables and fruits, dairy and grain products. however, warns against taking in too much carb. "Reward" meal can be too high on fats and saturated fats.

Choose to Lose by Dr. Goor.

Restrains fat intake. One is given a "fat" budget and he is given the liberty on how to spend it. It does not pressure the individual to watch his carbohydrate intake. Eating meat and poultry as well as low-fat dairy and seafoods is okay. A go signal is also given on eating vegetables, fruits, cereals, bread and pasta. This weight loss plan is fairly healthy, good amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as saturated fats. Watch triglyceride levels though; if high, trim down the carbohydrates and tuck in more of the unsaturated fats.

The DASH Diet.

Advocates moderate amounts of fat and protein intake and high on carbs. Primarily designed to lower blood pressure, the diet plan follows the pyramid food guide and encourages high intake of whole wheat grains as well as fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy. Some dieters think it advocates too much eating to procure significant weight loss.

Eat More, Weigh Less by Dr. Ornish.

Primarily vegetarian fare and strictly low-fat. Gives the go signal on the "glow" foods but warns to watch it on non-fat dairy and egg whites. This diet is poor in calcium and retricts consumption of healthy foods like seafoods and lean poultry.

Eat Right for Your Type.

Interesting because it is based on the person's blood type. recommends plenty of mest for people with the blood type O. Diet plans for some blood types are nutritionally imbalanced and too low in calories. And for the record, there is even no proof that blood type affects dietary needs.

The Pritkin Principle.

Focused on trimming the calorie density in eating by suggesting watery foods that make one feel full. Eating vegetables, fruits, oatmeal, pasta, soups, salads and low-fat dairy is okay. Although limits protein sources to lean meat, pseafood and poultry. Although it is healthy by providing low amounts of saturated fats and rich amounts of vegetables and fruits, it is also low on calcium and limits lean protein sources.


For low-density calorie eating. Recommends the same foodstuff as Pritkin but restricts fatty or dry foods like popcorn, pretzels and crackers. This plan is reasonably healthy given the high amounts of fruits and vegetables as well as being low in calorie density and saturated fats.

The Zone.

Moderately low on the carbs yet moderately high on the proteins. Encourages low-fat protein foods like fish and chicken plus veggies, fruits and grains. It is also healthy but lacking in grains and calcium.

Weight Watchers.

High carbohydrates, moderate on fats and proteins. A very healthy diet plan and very flexible too. it allows the dieter to plan his own meal rather than give him a set to follow.

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Friday, May 8, 2009

How to Start Eating Healthy

Author: H Mattenson

A great place to start is at home. Get rid of all of the unhealthy food in your pantry and refrigerator. If you don’t already have healthy food to eat instead, go buy the healthy food first, then get rid of all of the junk. It will be easier to get rid of it when you have a healthy option instead. Buy food that is easy to eat on the go, such as apples, carrots, bananas or granola bars so you won’t be tempted to grab the chips instead. If you find that you just cannot bear to toss out the sweets, try keeping something tiny on hand, like chocolate chips. Eating a few of these won’t ruin your diet and it will still satisfy your sweet tooth.

Take the time to learn what nutrients will compliment your needs the best. In order to start eating healthy, you need to also start thinking healthy. Knowing why certain foods are better for you than others makes it much easier to accept into your normal diet. Most people eat something because it tastes good. They don’t take into account the ramifications that food may have on their system or their overall health. If that used to be you – today is a new day!

Eating on a schedule is critical when you start eating healthy. Try to eat around the same time every day and avoid snacking in between. This is challenging for a lot of people because our bodies have become accustomed to receiving food whether it needs it or not. A lot of people eat because they are bored, emotional, or have developed a habit that associates a certain activity (like watching TV) with eating. This step is the hardest for a lot of people because it requires a change in thinking as well as changing the physical habit.

Plan your meals ahead don’t allow yourself to snack. When you do eat, eat enough so you will be full until the next meal time. Avoid stuffing yourself, but when you eat, it should be a meal. Keeping yourself on a schedule will make this easier. We all have times where we must eat between meals. Keep fresh fruit or raw vegetables on hand so you can grab a few to tide you over until the next meal.

Taking the steps to start eating healthy may be challenging and a slower process than you prefer. Know this going in, and keep your expectations realistic. Start small, even if it’s just replacing one soda a day with a glass of water. You will be surprised how much of a difference small changes make. Keep a daily log of what you ate and try to make it a little better every day.

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About the Author:

I enjoy a healthy lifestyle - which includes eating what I want, when I want. I do not believe that to live a healthy lifestyle, you have to deny yourself foods you enjoy.

I have taught myself to enjoy food in moderation, and like to share with others. Diets fail because they require too much sacrifice. There is an easier way!

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Benefits of drinking water:Find out how water improves your health

Author: Nicos Stylianou

The other day I finished reading a captivating book named "Your Body's Many Cries For Water". What impressed me the most from reading this book, is that the author establishes a clear link between the benefits of drinking water and our overall wellness.

Besides the other very interesting facts which stress the importance of drinking water, the author makes special reference to some common ailments that almost all of us suffer from now and then and shows that their most probable cause is dehydration. Below, I give you some examples:

When our head hurts

We all suffer from headaches, or even worse migraines from time to time. Some of us more and some others less severely. What you might find surprising to learn, is that more often than not, we should blame ourselves for not drinking enough water.

You see, three quarters of our brain consists of water and when it senses that there is shortage of it, it releases histamines which cause pain and fatigue. The intention is to make us slow down our activities, so as to preserve the minimum water quantity that will allow our brain to function properly.

So, the next time you think that your head will explode from a splitting headache, resist the temptation of taking an aspirin and do this: Drink a full glass of fresh, pure water and then sit back and unwind for half an hour. More often than not, you will be amazed. Your headache will just go away!

Back Pain

According to statistics, one out of four adults experiences at least once in his lifetime the pain and anguish associated with a sore back. As the author claims in his book, another one of the benefits of drinking water is that it helps mitigate our suffering.

Permit me to be more clear on what I mean.

The discs which our back consists of, have a hard external surface while inside they are filled with water. Provided that the quantity of the water is maintained at an adequate level, then the discs are performing their function well. This meaning that they are robust enough to help our backbone support the weight of our body.

When we move our body, then pressure is exerted and released on the discs depending on the type of movement. This creates a suction which allows fluids in the body to enter the disc, thus keeping them properly hydrated.

You should begin to understand now what causes this process to break down. When our body is deprived of water, then there is not enough of it to enter the discs. In consequence, the outer shell of the discs is no longer supported from the inside. So, all weight of the body is shifted on them, leading to excessive pressure. The symptoms are all too familiar: Pain and distress!


Water also plays a vital role in the biological process associated with high blood pressure.

As experts on internal medicine claim, one of the leading causes of high blood pressure is low blood volume. As the basic constituent of the blood is water (83% of our blood to be precise is just plain water), then you can understand that when we deprive ourselves of this valuable fluid, then the blood volume goes down.

Our body's internal mechanisms have the ability to monitor the level of our blood volume. When there is an alert that this volume has fallen below acceptable limits, then our body switches into an emergency mode, directing supply of blood only to active organs switching everything else off. This redistribution of the circulatory system more often than not leads to hypertension.

In conclusion, these are only a few of the examples that clearly demonstrate that by drinking enough quantities of water can dramatically improve your health.

One word of caution: In order to benefit the most and avoid any adverse effects on you health, both yours and your family's, make sure that the water you consume at your house is top quality. Considering now that, based on reports and statistics issued not only by private but also by government bodies, it is widely acceptable that both tap and bottled water quality leaves much to be desired, I should advice that time investigating your options about what you can do, will be time well spent.

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About the Author:

Nicos Stylianou is a long time researcher and an expert on issues relating to healthy nutrition. To find information and what he recommends you should do to have healthy, pure water at your home, visit his website now at:

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Why starving should not be a part of your diet?

Author: DHMason

Whenever I talk about dieting with an overweight person thinking about a diet I hear the same thing: “I want to start a diet, but I can't do it. I like eating too much. I don’t want to starve myself”.

Well, I don't want you to starve yourself either.

First of all, starvation of any kind is an extremely unhealthy bodily state and starving by choice is not different.

The physiological explanation to this is simple:

Your body requires energy to live,

Food is energy.

So if food is energy then no food means no energy.

Yes - It is true that if during starvation your body gets its energy by breaking down fat cells.

This will result in some weight loss, but it will also have some nasty side effects.

One of these effects will actually make you lose less weight.

Under starvation the body goes into energy preservation mode.

Meaning: it will be harder for your body to break down fat cells and lose extra weight.

A second effect revolves around the process of anabolism.

Your body’s energy is not only used for moving your muscles and making your heart beat.

Energy is also used for the process called anabolism which is the building of cells in your body for all kinds of reasons.

For example if you are wounded your body will need energy to create skin cells to seal the wound.

That is why starving can cause hair loss, weakened immune system, skin problems and may other bodily malfunctions that you don’t want for yourself.

A Second reason why starvation is bad for you revolves around the psychology of dieting.

A diet consisting of starvation periods will probably be short lived.

You just won’t be able to keep it up for long.

Also, cutting down on meals will just make the next meal to be bigger. Which will also disrupt your metabolism.

The other thing about starving is your feelings.

I can assure you, there is no such thing as a happy starving man.

Mind and body walk hand in hand.

When you get to the point when moving is hard and sleeping is the only thing you are comfortable doing,

You will get depressed.

There is no question about it.

Now, why do people do this when there are plenty of other solutions?

I’ll tell you why,

When people are in desperate situations they do the one thing they are sure of.

The one thing we all know for sure regarding weight loss is that you cannot gain weight if you do not eat.

If you have proper information on the subject you will probably not choose such desperate measures even when weight loss is essential.

I hope I made myself clear.

Starving will not make you thinner on the long run.

Starving will make you sick.

Starving will also make you depressed.

So if you’re still considering it - DON'T

I hope you will make the right choice when selecting your next diet program.

Good luck,

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About the Author:

David H. Mason

For more information on dieting psychology, nutrition and fitness please visit:

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What is a diet anyway?

Author: DHMason

By definition being on a diet means knowing and planning what you eat.

One common misconception is that diet means starving, fasting, or enduring suffering of different sorts. It does not mean that. These bad connotations are merely deformed ways of dieting.

It may include the withholding of certain foods but that depends on your diet, and it most often will include adding certain foods to your daily menu.

A second misconception revolves around the planning of a diet. Put simple - planning a diet is no simple task,

To plan a diet one needs to have a lot of knowledge in his/her possession.

It's not enough to knowing what foods are fatty and which are not,

You also have to know the structure of different foods,

And the effect of every type of food on our metabolism.

This is why you need to gather a lot of knowledge in order to plan your own diet.

Of course you always have the option of using a professional to plan your diet for you.

A third misconception: Diet is not a synonym to weight loss,

There are different kinds of diets and weight loss diet is only one of them.

Weight gain diet:

Weight gain diet is mostly used by athletes and body builders.

It is used to gain weight for muscle building and bulking up for all kind of reasons.

The point is not only eating whatever you want and get fat.

It’s planning a menu to help the body gain the weight correctly & healthily.

Weight control diet:

For some people keeping their weight is a big issue.

This kind of diet is designed to help people not gain and not lose weight.

It is often used by people who lost weight successfully but are afraid to gain the weight back.

It is also used by people who do aerobic activities regularly and do not want to lose weight & muscle.

Weight loss diet:

The most common of all diets,

Used by overweight people all around the world with the sole purpose of losing fat.

Weight loss diets can be very different.

There are many approaches regarding what is the best/fastest/healthiest way to lose fat.

There are some very radical diets that require serious discipline and devotion.

For example there is the "no-carb" diet,

This diet is currently debated all over the world because of the importance of carbohydrates to all the body’s functions.

There are weight loss diets that revolve around eating a lot of a specific food like lettuce, other vegetables or even ice cream.

Alongside with the “normal” diets we can see the pills, powders, oils and all kinds of food additives.

These are diets that you should be very careful with,

Some of them are totally unhealthy and mostly there results can be reproduced with a natural and healthy diet.

In short, changing your diet is not something to be taken lightly. A wrong kind of diet might actually be harmful.

I hope I helped you get a better understanding on what is a diet,

Good luck,

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About the Author:

David H. Mason

For more information on dieting psychology, nutrition and fitness please visit:

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High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid

Author: Andrew Bicknell

For those who suffer from high cholesterol the best and first way to control and lower their cholesterol levels is through their diet. But many people are confused as to what constitutes a high cholesterol food they need to avoid and a low cholesterol food. This is because there is a difference between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.

Generally most health guidelines recommend that dietary cholesterol not exceed 300 mg per day for most healthy people, but if one suffers from high LDL blood cholesterol levels then this intake should be not more than 200 mg per day.

Cholesterol, a waxy like substance, is only found in animal meat and tissues and its sources include red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products. On the flip side any food derived from plant sources is cholesterol free, including high fat plants food sources such as avocado\'s and peanut butter. This is where the confusion usually happens because eating large amounts of vegetable oil, which is virtually 100% food fat, can significantly raise blood cholesterol levels, particularly when eaten with high cholesterol foods.

The fact is that blood LDL cholesterol levels are highly influenced by the amount of saturated fat that one eats. There is a relationship between the amounts of saturated fat one eats the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. For every one percent increase in calories obtained by eating saturated fat, blood cholesterol levels go up around two percent. Conversely for every one percent decrease in saturated fat intake cholesterol levels will reduce about two percent.

The thing to remember when it comes avoiding high cholesterol foods is that while doing so will decrease LDL cholesterol levels, reducing saturated fat intake has a bigger impact on these levels then many people are aware of. This does not mean that those who suffer from high cholesterol can eat high cholesterol foods, but they should be aware that there is more to reducing cholesterol then just this one thing.

The reason for this confusion with the way cholesterol can increase in the blood stream is the way many foods are cooked and/or served. Let\'s look at one of everyone\'s favorite breakfasts; bacon/sausage and eggs. We all know that eggs are high in cholesterol, but what we don\'t know is that the cholesterol in eggs has a small impact on blood cholesterol levels. It\'s the high amount of saturated fat in the bacon or sausage that has a far larger impact on LDL cholesterol levels.

Another culprit is deep fat fried foods. Many foods are for the most part harmless until they are breaded and fried in hot oil. In fact, many fish and seafood choices are considered to be good for us because of the omega-3 fatty acids that they contain, but as soon as they are deep fried and eaten any benefits are cancelled by the saturated fat that raises bad LDL cholesterol.

When it comes to high cholesterol foods to avoid it is important to remember that these types of food aren\'t necessarily bad in and of themselves if eaten in moderation. The real problem occurs when they are combined with high levels of saturated fat, which has a more profound effect on blood cholesterol levels.

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To learn more about Low Cholesterol Food please visit the website Lowering Cholesterol by clicking here.

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Healthy Living With Healthy Eating Habits

Author: John Deacon

In today’s world of 2 minute instant noodles, there are lots of speculations about how to adopt the healthy eating habits to achieve those healthy families. A healthy eating plan is helpful to a great extent as it includes major calculations about the nutrients and ingredients that a human body needs. One of the most important points of healthy living is never to skip breakfasts as they are the most significant part of a day’s meals and they are able to keep you going for the entire day. The other big thing to remember is not eating so many bigger meals. Instead, meals should be broken down into several smaller meals so that the body will be able to absorb the food in a better way. Many healthy families have reported that as a part of healthy lifestyles, they follow a regular time table for their meals and by having meals at the right time daily, they are able to keep themselves in perfect shapes.
When we talk about healthy food and healthy eating habits, the very first thing that comes to our mind includes fruits and vegetables. No doubt, they should be a mandatory part of a person’s diet without which, a proper nutritious diet is not possible at all. While looking for healthy eating foods, you should ensure that they are natural and organic as far as possible. You should try to avoid artificial and canned foods as far as possible and also make sure that you consume some cereals also for your breakfast. These are healthy foods to be eaten in the morning as they are able to provide enough energy to the person’s body. It is also better to eat green foods as much as possible as they are extremely rich in nutrients like calcium, fiber and vitamin C.
Some of the most popular healthy food items include Broccoli, wild salmon, grape tomatoes, milk and sweet potatoes. It is wise to make a list of which foods you should eat and which foods you should avoid so that it will become easier to understand which foods you should consume. The main type of food that should be avoided are fats and foods that contain too much of sugar. Healthy foods such as different types of nuts not only provide a lot of energy to the body but also a great deal of body strength.
People who believe in healthy lifestyle and healthy living are looking for ways through which they can prepare food at their own home. We all know the unhealthy ways of dealing with food in restaurants and unreliable quality of grains ground in grinding mills in the market. Several healthy cooking equipments are available in the market including juicers, flour and grain mills, blenders, sprouters and cookers so that you can prepare your own food with your own hands and eliminate any chances of adulteration and unhygienic methods of cooking. All these healthy cooking equipments help the consumers to carry out all methods of cooking at their own home including sprouting, roasting, baking and blending and adopt a healthy lifestyle of living.

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About the Author:

I am John Deacon dedicated to healthy eating, healthy food, healthy living, healthy families, healthy cooking, healthy lifestyle, healthy lifestyles and healthy eating habits.

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A Healthy Diet Is Essential For Good Health

Author: Michael Jenkins

In order for you to start and maintain a healthy diet you first need to understand the effect that food has on your body so that you can learn how to eat the right balance of healthy and unhealthy foods. You need to achieve this in a way that you are still able to enjoy what you are eating while knowing you are giving your body everything it needs. Remember your food choices can have long-term impacts on your health.

The effect that food should have on your body is it should provide you with all of the nutrients and fibers that you need. If you aren’t getting enough then you are putting your health at risk. There is no single food or food group however that contains all of these nutrients and fibers, which is why it is important that we eat a wide range of foods.

There are five main food groups, which are as follows:

  • Starchy foods

  • Fruit and vegetables

  • Dairy foods

  • Meat, fish and other non-dairy sources of protein (such as beans)

  • Fats and sugar

You need to include a good mix of the above in order to maintain healthy eating. Also the type of food that you consume contains different types of nutrients and your body will use these in a variety of different ways. For example carbohydrates are your bodies preferred source of energy, which is needed for aspects such as the growth and repair of all tissues within your body. They also power your muscles for movement. Another example of how your body uses a nutrient is through the use of protein; this represents another source of energy and the use of fiber ensures that your digestive system remains healthy and that your cholesterol and blood sugar levels are maintained.

The choices you make when it comes to food can have long term impacts when it comes to your general heath. By eating and sticking to a healthy diet you are dramatically reducing your risk of developing serious disease and illness such as diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer, particularly bowel cancer.

It should be noted that a healthy diet doesn’t mean you should be starving yourself; take a look at the diet tips below for a more clear definition of what constitutes a healthy diet:

  • Eat enough calories

  • Drink more water

  • Eat more fruit and vegetables

  • Cut back on salty and sugary foods

  • Eat regular meals

  • Reduce, don’t eliminate certain foods

  • Make sure you have moderate portions

A lot of us are jeopardizing our healthy eating by eating portions of food that are far too big. You should use moderation as your guide for everything you eat. The reason why this is so important is down to the fact you can still eat what you want to eat if the portion sizes are in moderation.

The most important thing that you need to remember is when you are introducing a healthy eating regime is to make changes to your diet gradually. By doing this you are more likely to stick to your diet as the changes won’t be so dramatic.

So start making these little changes today and start noticing big differences straight away. Not only will you feel better but you will be protecting yourself against major diseases.

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About the Author:

Michael Jenkins is the owner of Australian Lifestyle & Fitness which provides a complete range of weight loss articles focussing on diet , nutrition, exercise and recipes. Our Weight Loss Program helps take the guess work out of weight loss and diet

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Components Of A Diet To Lower Cholesterol

Author: Andrew Bicknell

The first line of defense against rising cholesterol levels is a healthy diet. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III report has targeted lowering LDL cholesterol as one of the most important aspect of heart disease prevention. This report recommends that in order to lower the risk of coronary heart disease that a therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) must be undertaken. The components of this therapeutic lifestyle change include a diet to lower cholesterol that includes the following.

1. Saturated Fat and Cholesterol – Reducing saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet is the foundation of the TLC diet. The strongest nutritional influence on serum LDL cholesterol levels is saturated fats. There is also a dose response relationship between saturated fats and LDL cholesterol levels. For every 1% increase in calories from saturated fats as a percent of total energy, serum LDL cholesterol increases roughly 2%. On the other hand a 1% decrease in saturated fats will lower serum cholesterol by about 2%. Although a weight reduction of even a few pounds will reduce LDL levels, weight reduction achieved with a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol will enhance and maintain LDL cholesterol reductions. Although dietary cholesterol does not have the equivalent impact of saturated fat on serum LDL cholesterol levels, high cholesterol intake will increase LDL cholesterol levels.

2. Monounsaturated Fat – Substituting monounsaturated fat for saturated fats at an intake level of up to 20% of total energy intake is recommended with a cholesterol lowering diet. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol levels relative to saturated fats without decreasing HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Plant oils and nuts are the best sources of monounsaturated fats.

3. Polyunsaturated Fats – When used instead of saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic acid reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Unfortunately they can also cause a decrease in HDL cholesterol when compared to the effects of monounsaturated fats. The recommended intake of polyunsaturated fats is about 10% of total energy intake. The best sources for this type of fat include liquid vegetable oils, semi-liquid margarine, and other margarines low in transfatty acids.

4. Total Fat – Saturated fats and transfatty acids increase LDL cholesterol levels, while serum levels of LDL cholesterol do not appear to be affected by total fat intake. For that reason the report suggests it is not essential to limit total fat intake as long as saturated fats are decreased to goal levels.

5. Carbohydrates – LDL cholesterol decreases when saturated fats are replaced with carbohydrates. But high consumption of carbohydrates, over 60% of total energy intakes, are shown to decrease HDL cholesterol and increase serum triglycerides. This response to carbohydrate intake can be decreased by increasing soluble fiber intake. In fact by increasing soluble fiber to 5 to 10 grams a day LDL cholesterol can be decreased about 5%.

6. Protein – Although dietary protein generally has little effect of serum LDL cholesterol levels, substituting plant-based proteins for animal proteins appears to lower LDL cholesterol. This may be caused by the lack of cholesterol and lower saturated fat content of plant based protein foods. Of course not all animal proteins are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Fat-free and low-fat dairy products, egg whites, fish, skinless poultry, and lean cuts of beef and pork are low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Using diet to lower cholesterol is the first step for anyone who has tested for high LDL cholesterol levels. By lowering serum cholesterol the risk of coronary heart disease is lessened, along with all the other health benefits of eating a more healthy diet.

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To learn more about a Diet to Lower Cholesterol please visit the website Lowering Cholesterol by clicking here.

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Importance Of A Healthy Breakfast

Author: mike

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We’ve all heard it before, but so few of us actually act on it. What you feed your body in the morning can be the difference between staying alert and energized throughout the day, or feeling tired and lazy. It can be the difference between staying focused at work, or finding yourself mentally drifting off not able to concentrate on the job at hand. It could be the difference between staying full until lunch, or constantly snacking throughout the day. Studies show that those who eat a healthy breakfast not only snack less, are more focused, and have more energy throughout the day, but also tend to be thinner than those eat an unhealthy breakfast (or skip it all together). It can literally be the difference between good health and poor health, and should definitely be taken seriously.

Never skip breakfast; in fact you should eat within an hour of getting up, that’s when your body needs refueling. When you wake up your body will have gone 8 to 10 hours without food (give or take depending on how long you slept), and it\'s running on reserves. The body uses stored fat as energy when it’s not getting this energy source from outside sources, and if the body knows it will be a long time before it gets refueled, then it will store extra fat as reserves for a later time.

So what’s secret to a healthy breakfast? There are three main ingredients to this recipe; a desire to be healthy, healthy food on hand (whole grains, organic fruit, nuts…), and an appetite. It’s that simple!

The first thing to remember is forget everything you thought you knew, or shall I say everything you’ve been made to believe. The typical American breakfast consists of foods loaded with fat, refined sugars and flowers, and artificial preservatives (chemicals); processed cereals, breakfast treats, bagels, toast, pastries, donuts, just to name a few. Although some of these products are marketed as healthy they are quite the opposite, and one of the leading causes of obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, and heart disease in this country. The truth is these processed foods have become nothing more than science experiments by food manufacturers to see how cheaply they can produce and sell a product with a long shelf life, using the most readily available resources as possible. With the help of clever marketing such as “fat free” (which really means high in calories and sugar), “sugar free” (which really means high in fat, and calories), or “low in calories” (which means high in everything else), these highly processed nutrient deficient fake foods are loaded with artificial dyes and flavors and fortified with vitamins and minerals (all of which are lost during processing) and advertised as “part of a healthy breakfast”; all at our expense.

Instead, give your body what it really wants. The key here is eating a healthy breakfast, in order to give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Try fresh organic fruit, and some mixed nuts. The fruits will give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs, not to mention a healthy serving of flavonoids (which have been shown to have antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antitumor and antioxidant qualities), while the nuts provide a good source of protein, omega-3, and healthy fat (all crucial elements to a healthy diet). Another great breakfast choice is whole grains. Stick with the organic minimally processed grains; these tiny seeds have everything necessary for creating life and are just what your body needs for maintaining yours. Try organic oat groats or hulless barley for a healthy and tasty breakfast.

Last but not least enjoy. Not only will you be laying the foundation for a healthy day by eating a healthy breakfast, you may actually just start looking forward it.

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About the Author:

Living with allergies can be difficult, some harder than others. Being allergic to both soy and dairy, I know this first hand. So with the hopes of educating others, I have created a very informative blog with a focus on living soy and dairy free, while maintaining a healthy diet. My belief in natural healing and natural cures is the driving force behind my desire to be as healthy as I can be...body and mind.

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Eating A Cholesterol Lowering Diet For Heart Disease Prevention

Author: Andrew Bicknell

Balancing the ratios of LDL and HDL cholesterol is the aim of any cholesterol lowering diet because lowering the bad (LDL) cholesterol is a large factor in reducing the risk of coronary artery disease. The effect of lowering cholesterol has been medically shown to reduce the mortality risk associated with heart disease.

Cholesterol levels, which are measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), naturally rise as men and women age and are determined through chemical analysis of a blood sample taken via a finger prick or from a blood draw from a vein. For a healthy person cholesterol intake should less than 300 milligrams daily while someone with an elevated cholesterol level should consume less than 200 milligrams per day. One thing to remember is that although dietary cholesterol can raise your blood cholesterol levels, the bigger culprit in elevated cholesterol levels is saturated fat. Foods that originate from animals are the only source of dietary cholesterol.

The basis of a cholesterol lowering diet revolves around eating a mostly plant based diet rich in cholesterol-lowering foods. In fact this approach has been shown to as effective as using statin drugs to lower cholesterol. This was proved out during a recent study showing that people who ate a rich diet of cholesterol lowering foods, such as soy protein, almonds, plant sterol-enriched margarines and natural fiber from oats, psyllium, okra, and eggplant for one year resulted in a 20% decrease in cholesterol, which is comparable to taking statins.

After starting a cholesterol lowering diet your levels will generally begin to recede after two to three weeks. When starting this type of diet the first thing you need to do is increase your fiber intake. This can be done by increasing the amounts of fruits, lots of vegetables, and whole grain products. The other thing that needs to be closely watched is the intake of saturated fat.

The reason for this is simple; nothing increases cholesterol levels quite like saturated fat. There are four main types of fat. The first two increase LDL cholesterol and need to be avoided.

1. Saturated fat found in most animal products, fast foods, and some vegetables should be avoided or at the least limited. Saturated vegetable fats include hydrogenated shortening, palm oil, coconut oil, and cocoa butter.

2. Hydrogenated or Trans-Fat is found in margarine and vegetable shortening.

The two fats that can be eaten in moderation and can help decrease total cholesterol and keep levels of the good cholesterol (HDL) high include:

3. Monounsaturated Fat is found in olive and canola oil.

4. Polyunsaturated Fat is found in safflower, sunflower, soybean, corn and sesame oils.

The best foods for a cholesterol lowering diet are high in starch and fiber and are a good substitute for foods that contain high amounts of saturated fat. You do have to be careful because although foods from plants do not contain cholesterol some do contain saturated fat, such as avocados. Recently the American Heart Association began to recommend that people who have high LDL cholesterol eat foods fortified with plant sterols. These foods that have been fortified with sterols or stanols help block the body\'s absorption of cholesterol.

The thing to remember when undertaking a cholesterol lowering diet is that foods that contain high amounts of complex carbohydrates, if eaten plain, are low in saturated fat and cholesterol and contain the vitamins, minerals, and fiber you body needs. A healthy diet is the first step to successfully lowering cholesterol and reducing the risk of heart disease that is associated with high levels.

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To learn more about a Cholesterol Lowering Diet please visit the websiteLowering Cholesterol by clicking here.

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Do You Suffer From Yo-Yo Dieting?

Author: Paddy Ryan

Then you should understand the health risks this habit can entail; Yo-yo dieting has become a way of life for some people. It is easy for dieters to get caught up in a cycle of healthy eating followed by loss of motivation or boredom with bland food drifting back to bad fatty foods causing them to lose and gain weight repeatedly. You find a new diet that makes perfect sense.

You go shopping for all your new diet foods and remove all the old ones from your kitchen. Then you experience an especially hard or stressful day at work, when you return home you find yourself experiencing the cravings that accompany the desire to start "comfort eating". This makes you give into emotional eating, after which you find yourself feeling guilty. This does little to calm you or alleviate the stress of the day, and can demotivate your will power.

It is a slippery slope from there and it can easily turn into binge eating, making it difficult to get back on track with the diet. Does this sound familiar? If so, you are in danger of yo-yo dieting. You lose weight, you gain weight, then you fight to lose the weight again but shortly you find that you have put it all back on again and possibly now weigh more than you did at the start! At this point you are in real danger of yo-yo dieting. You put yourself at risk of some serious health problems.

The dangers of yo-yo dieting include; Liver problems, Loss of muscle, lower metabolism, Heart disease, High blood pressure, Stroke and Diabetes. Most weight-management experts and physicians now agree that a far better approach to long-term weight loss requires a combination of good nutrition and exercise.

One answer for permanent weight loss: is to eat enough calories to give you the energy to burn fat and eat the right diet to maintain lean muscle tissue. A moderate, balanced diet and sensible exercise will give real, long-term results.

The best way to lose weight in the long term and most importantly to keep the weight off is to enjoy the diet itself. Now I know that sounds odd. How can you enjoy dieting? Well how about a revolutionary diet system and eating programme that will make you lose weight without restricting your diet to low fat or low carb' foods. The "Diet Generator" that comes with this system will allow you to enter your own choice of your favourite foods from which it can create 40,000 different diet plans. you will never be bored with your diet again. You choose the foods that you want to eat, just plug in the system and the diet will be created for you. You can create as many completely unique diets as you want.
You will never have a day of boring dull diet food again.

You will be able to stay with your diet eating the foods that you like and so you will be successful at losing weight and more importantly keeping that weight off in the long term!
This is how I beat being unable to Lose Weight
This is the secret to long term weight loss

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About the Author:

I have been a keen sportsman all my life and rarely tipped the scales above 154Lbs After a 10 month wait for surgery and a further 4 month period of recovery I was appalled to find that I weighed in at 190Lbs... Yes 14 months of enforced inactivity and I had put on 36Lbs!!! Now for the first time in my life I needed to lose weight!! Depite numerous diet attempts I was unable to lose weight...untill in my search I discovered something revolutionary in the diet industry.

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101 Ways To Increase Your Height - Does Exercising Work?

Author: Celina Smith

If you are looking ways to increase height and are still in the process of growing, there are many different things you can do to help this process along.

Your diet, of course, plays an important role in growing taller. By eating foods rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, and calories, you will give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to grow and renew itself. It will also help when you exercise to increase height.

There are many different scams out there that claim that you can exercise to increase height after your body is finished growing. Do not believe these claims, for they are simply not effective ways to increase height. There is no way to lengthen your bones, short of surgery, once they stop growing on their own.

Why is this? To understand, it's good to know a little bit about how we grow at all. When we are first born, much of our bones consist of flexible cartilage. As we grow, much of the cartilage fuses together to form solid bone. In our teenage years, growth plates located on the ends of long bones gradually lengthen. Eventually these growth plates stop growing once we reach the end of puberty. Not even hormone treatments or vitamin supplements can make them grow again.

However, by exercising regularly while you are still young, you can speed up your growth process as well as promote healthy bones long into your life. By keeping good habits, such as a healthy diet and steady exercise, you can even prevent bone weakening diseases as well as the shrinking that occurs frequently during old age.

Another advantage of using exercise to increase height at an early age is that it releases height growth hormones, which speeds the growth process.

What are some of these exercises? Contrary to what you may think, many useful exercises that release height growth hormones do not involve stretching. Instead, focus on workout routines that focus on strengthening your muscles. Not only will this improve your overall appearance, but it will promote bone strength as your weight increases.

Want to learn more ways to increase height? For more information please visit and read a FREE report about a new Height Increase System!

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Want to learn more ways to increase height? For more information please visit How Do I Grow Taller and read a FREE report about a new Height Increase System!

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List Of Alkaline Foods Can Help Fight Acidity

Author: Ben A Dixon

You have to eat a list of alkaline foods if you want to be healthy. Our body can serve us well if we really take care of it. Eating junk food and dead foods can put a strain in your health. If you value your health then eat a good list of alkaline foods.

Let me tell you something about our body.

Our body has a chemical balance that we have to keep. That balance depends on our food intake. If we take in dead food and junk foods, we will get sick no matter how much we exercise. The only way we can combat acidity imbalance in the body is to try a great alkaline diet system.

Here are a few tips we can fight acidity.

1. Incorporate vegetables and fruits in your diet. There is no wonder about the healing properties of vegetables and fruits. Not only are they delicious, they are also nutritious.

Vegetables and fruits will help fill your diet with essential vitamins and minerals. All this will give you reserve energy that you never thought you have.

2. If you have time - exercise. If you don't have the time - make the time to exercise. Exercising is very important to the body. A sedentary lifestyle may be comfortable, but you will be unhealthy. Not only that, you will also suffer poor muscle build up that can lead to injuries.

Be sure to consult a doctor before you engage in any exercise regimen.

3. Change your lifestyle bit by bit. You don't have to change your lifestyle significantly. All you need to do is take a closer look at your diet. Substitute nutritional foods and replace the dead foods that you are used to. Try and follow a list of alkaline foods. Alkaline foods can help your body balance its inner structure.

You can still drink a bottle or two if you are on an alkaline diet. The promise is that this diet will never interfere with your lifestyle. You can eat a list of alkaline foods and you will crave alkaline foods. This diet is unlike other diets that need strict discipline.

Yo-yo diets need so much more of your attention and time. Eating a list of alkaline foods is a snap. Just follow the alkaline list and the alkaline chart and you will be on your way to a healthy and balanced diet. If you need more alkaline tips and a free alkaline diet chart, head on over

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About the Author:

Ben A Dixon is a writer of list of alkaline foods

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Three Simple Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

Author: Sue Baker

Before we discuss speeding up your metabolism, we have to understand what metabolism is. Simply speaking, the rate at which you burn calories is your metabolism. The trick is in knowing how to influence your body to speed up that rate. There are three easy ways to do this and help you lose weight.

The first and quickest way to speed up your metabolism is to start an exercise program. Fat cells are lazy. Muscle cells are active; in fact muscle cells burn over 70 calories/kg/day than fat cells do. Every muscle cell works at burning calories, even at rest. In fact 60 -70% of the calories you burn are while your body is at rest. The only way to develop muscle cells is to start and maintain an exercise program. Resistance training builds muscle cells faster than aerobic training. You don't have to be a body builder to start and maintain a resistance training program. Ask a trainer what the best program is for you.

Eat small, frequent meals. Eat healthy snacks. Make sure that you eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, just like your mother told you. Your body has been without energy building material since the evening before. You have to get the whole process started again with breakfast. Eat five or six small meals each day instead of three large ones. During the time taken between meals or skipped meals, the body slows down the metabolism as a means to conserve energy. If you eat small frequent meals, you will probably eat less than if you have three large ones. Keeping something in your stomach will keep your metabolism up.

Drink six to eight glasses of water each day. The chemical reactions in your body, in fact over 90% of the, require water. If you don't drink enough water, you body will store water rather than use it.

There you have three simple easy ways to boost your metabolism. Boosting your metabolism will, in itself, cause your body to lose weight. An exercise program will build muscle cells, which burn calories faster than fat cells. Eating smaller more frequent meals will keep your metabolism up and functioning. Drinking enough water will allow your body to use the water you give it rather than storing it; stored water is weight. It's not hard to boost your metabolism; you can do it! All it takes is a little work and anyone can do that.

Finally, you need more information on losing weight effectively which you can get from

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There's no reason why you should be embarrased about your weight any longer. If you are ready to learn more about losing weight effectively visit and join the thousands we have already helped and visit us now.

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Eat Berries To Boost Your Health

Author: Dominic Londesborough

Berries are a fantastic source of nutrients, as well as being versatile and tasty.

Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C, an antioxidant vitamin. Antioxidants mop up free radicals, unstable molecules that cause cell damage. Another valuable micronutrient in strawberries is ellagic acid, a phytochemical (plant-based chemical) that may help fight cancer by blocking cancer cells.

Of all the fruits, raspberries are one of the best sources of soluble fibre. Soluble fibre is a form of non-starch polysaccharides (chain of sugars) that is gel-like in consistency, and helps lower bad cholesterol (LDL) in the bloodstream. Like strawberries, raspberries are also very high in vitamin C, and are classed as a superfood.

Blackberries are rare among fruit because they contain significant amounts of vitamin E. This vitamin is an antioxidant, like vitamin C. It also contains a powerful compound called alpha-tocopherol which helps prevent plaque forming in the arteries, thins the blood, and therefore helps prevent heart disease. Vitamin E also helps boost our immune system, as well as promoting healthy skin.

Blueberries are another great source of vitamin C. Rrecent studies have shown that blueberries contain a compound that helps lower bad cholesterol. A compound in blueberries - pterostilbene - has been identified by scientists in the US who ran tests on rats, as being of possible value in the fight against colon cancer, but further tests are needed to confirm this effect in humans.

Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, as are all berries. A particular role of cranberries, particularly cranberry juice, is their use to treat urinary tract infections and cystitis. Cystitis is a bladder infection, where you feel the urge to urinate but are able to pass only a few painfully burning drops. It can progress to kidney pain if left untreated. Cranberries drunk in concentrated juice form is the most effective remedy. The bacteria that is the main cause of cystitis is E. coli, and cranberry juice is very effective at flushing this bacteria from the urinary tract.

Goji berries have been in the news over the last couple of years as being the latest superfood, eaten by celebrities, and generally heralded as a magic berry. Is it all hype, or are they as fantastic as the claims suggest? These small, round, red berries are grown in China, the Himalayas, and Mongolia. Their taste is not unlike raisins, and they can be eaten raw or in dried form.

It's true that they're rich in vitamins (Beta-Carotene, B1, B2, C). Unusually for a fruit, goji berries are a source of essential fatty acids. There is no doubt that this berry is rich in vitamins and minerals, which may help slow the aging process and help prevent certain cancers, but more studies are needed before the most enthusiastic claims are proven.

For more nutritional information, see

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About the Author:
Dominic is the founder of Fitness4London, a website for Londoners keen on fitness and nutrition. He has 8 years experience as a personal fitness trainer.

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Alkaline Diet System Can Supercharge Your Life In 3 Days

Author: Ben A Dixon

If you are always feeling tired and depressed due to the aches and pains of your body, try alkaline diet system to help lift you up from the dumps. You can take control of your health and well-being with a diet system that can help you regain energy and the vitality of youth.

Low energy can be a hassle if you want to achieve a lot in life. It feels like you are a living zombie who just slug through life and just doing the motions of living. Life is so dour when you can't maximize your time to spend on building your dreams.

Do you see the world like it is shot in black and white like some old, noir movie? Feeling bland and anemic is one sign of dipping energy. With low energy, you'll have reduced mental capacity and even awful memory gaps.

If you forget a lot of things then you may have memory gaps due to stress and some difficulties in life. This can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.

Having low energy is also caused by chemical imbalance in the body. Chemical imbalance in turn causes depression that can really hamper your productivity in work. No one wants to be with a moody person.

These are all signs of early aging. It's like you lost all the youthful vitality that you have as a child. All these can still be reversible. You can take your life and rein it - control it right now by positive action and a desire for wellness and mental clarity.

Positive action means positive living. Change your lifestyle right away. You can exercise everyday and change your food intake to help you feel the best your age can offer. Plan out a balanced diet and exercise routine everyday, so you can get used to the lifestyle change. It's great to feel younger and very sharp again.

If you need a fast solution, in 3 days you can turn things around with the best alkaline diet system to balance out the PH of your body.

A good alkaline diet system can help you get abundant energy and vibrant health. An alkaline diet system can balance out the acid in your body to help yourself work out the excess weight and help you develop a great inner terrain.

Take control of your life right now. Just switch your lifestyle to a good alkaline diet system and supercharge your life in 3 days. Get back the vitality and energy of your youth by deciding to act right now and change your life for the better.

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About the Author:
Ben A Dixon is a writer of alkaline diet system

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How To Avoid Bloating So You Can Flatten Your Belly In Just 4 Days!

Author: Anne Gilbang

Do you feel that your belly is tight and full and causing you so much discomfort? Are you experiencing symptoms such as flatulence and wind? Most people that have a stubborn belly fat may have abdominal bloating problems without realizing it.

Bloating is mainly a result of intestinal gas and from fluid retention. It is caused by poor digestion, swallowing too much air, lactose and fructose intolerance, food allergies, constipation or eating in a hurry.

The good news is that you can relieve yourself from bloating by avoiding certain foods and drinks and changing some of your eating habits.

What are the foods to avoid?

Gassy Foods: Try to avoid cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, beans and legumes, cabbage, onions, peppers and citrus fruits.

Salt: Water is attracted to sodium, so when you take in higher than usual amounts of sodium in the form of salty foods like potato chips and most fast food, you will temporarily retain more fluid. This contributes to a puffy appearance, sluggish feeling, and water retention.

Fried and Spicy Foods: Fried foods are digested slowly, making you feel heavy. Also food seasoned with chilli powder, hot sauces, black pepper, fresh chillies, barbecue sauce, or vinegar can stimulate the release of stomach acid, which can cause gut irritation and bloating.

Other Food & Drinks: Carbonated or Fizzy Drinks , Alcohol (Dark beer and Red wine), Acidic Fruit Juices, Sorbitol (sweetener in sugar-free gum, candies, and other diet products)

What Eating Habits do you need to change?

- Eat slowly, make sure to chew well
- Eat small meals and snacks throughout the day
- Drink plenty of water and have a stroll or walk after every meal

Now you know what food to avoid to cure your bloating, so the next question would be - What type of food can you eat?

You can kickstart your weight loss by following a very simple diet plan that is scientifically proven to be effective and help you flatten your belly by avoiding foods that caused bloating.

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Follow the 4-Day Anti-Bloat Jumpstart Diet Plan . In just 4 days, you get a Flatter Belly without the Discomfort of Bloating.

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The Power Of The Nutrisystems Weight Loss Plan

Author: Eric Daniels

Nutrisystems weight loss plan offers plans for both men and women, which is ideal when losing weight. Let's face it, women and men are built differently and losing weight is different for each. Many women notice that men seem to succeed in losing weight much faster than they do; this is true, due to the makeup of women. Let me better explain this reasoning and how the diet works for both men and women.

Men's diet plan

The men's weight loss plan consists of more food in order to prevent cravings. Men require more food in order to fulfill their body's requirements for nourishment. Their plan includes low- glycemic carbohydrates and protein they need to help them stay full longer. Also included is Omega-3 and soluble fiber. Men simply need more food in order to make it through the day and maintain a healthy body. More than likely men will find themselves snacking on fruits and vegetables throughout the day more often than women. It is much harder for them to go so long in between meals at much lower portions without becoming hungry, even after becoming accustomed to the diet.

Women's diet plan

Women have babies and other female ordeals that make their bodies completely different from men. Women are able to eat less and make it through the day, however due to the changes women's bodies go through, it may indeed take longer to lose the pounds. Women who have had a baby may take more time to lose the pounds than that of a woman who has not gone through this experience. Nutrisystems unique and successful diet helps women to choose from their different plans to suite their lifestyle. They also provide women with the same heart-healthy requirements that men receive such as Omega-3. The system does include vitamins for women to promote a healthy diet. Remember you must exercise to fully take advantage of Nutrisystems plan. Always give your body the water it needs to stay hydrated at all times. This is truly a weight loss plan that covers more than just dieting, but the convenience of door-to-door service, which in turn, helps men and women to stay on track. There are quite a few plans including the Basic plan, Silver plan, Diabetic plan and the Vegetarian plan offered at Nutrisystem, which basically leaves the door wide open for anyone to take advantage of their weight loss system. The meals are realistic and do not have to be refrigerated. The chocolate cake offered as a dessert to dieters, still gives them the opportunity to enjoy sweets and make them feel like they are cheating a little. Nutrisystems diet plan works if you stick to the portions and remain healthy and fit. If you decide to do the diet plan with your wife or husband, remember the results are different for anyone, but with dissimilar food portions and other minor differences you may not get the same results at the same time.

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About the Author:
For more information about Nutrisystems you can visit 4 Maximum Health. There, you will find even more useful information about Nutrisystems.

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Making Healthy Food Choices In Our Busy Lives

Author: William Drapcho

You already know how important it is to make healthy food choices for you and your family. But how can you fit the best choices into your busy life?

You'll be pleased to discover that a hectic life doesn't mean that every meal has to be fast food on the run! Sometimes it's difficult to make healthy changes, but with a little planning and know-how, it can be done.

Here are some strategies to help you and your family make healthy choices:

1. Avoid temptation. It's so easy to walk into the store with good intent, but walk out with bags full of unhealthy foods. Unfortunately, our wills are weak, especially if we've trained ourselves over the years to buy junk foods.

* Never shop when you're hungry. This way you won't pick out unhealthy choices because they look good at the moment.?
* Get rid of the unhealthy foods in your home. If they aren't around, you won't be tempted to eat them.

* Think of healthier alternatives to your family's favorite unhealthy foods. Rather than high calorie chips, try trail mixes or rice cakes. Low calorie puddings or frozen yogurts are better alternatives to higher fat ice creams.

2. Eat fast and healthy meals at home. When you're tired at the end of the day and you realize you still have to feed the family, it's easy to go to a fast food chain and throw fast food on the table. It may save some time, but it won't save your health – or your pocket book!

* The great thing is that there are many easy, fast, and healthy foods you can make at home. This takes some planning, but you'll be more satisfied, save money, and be healthier as well.

* Look online for quick and easy recipes made with all natural ingredients. Many recipes can be made in 30 minutes or less and only have 5 ingredients. Taking the time to do some recipe research will save your sanity in the long run. Then once you find a "hit" with the family, store the recipe in a book or on your computer.?

* When you cook, make large batches and freeze the leftovers. This way, you'll already have meals in the freezer that you can just thaw, heat, and serve. No muss, no fuss! This is the opportune way to enjoy "fast" food at home.

3. Eat Slower. Since the brain takes about 20 minutes to get the signal that the stomach is full, if you eat too fast you'll pack in a lot more food than you need. When you're still thinking you're hungry, it's easy to make the wrong choices about food. If you slow down while you're eating, you'll eat less and you'll still feel full.

* Set a calming mood before sitting down for a meal. Avoid having the television on or eating as you're rushing the kids out the door to another activity. Sitting calmly at the table will allow everyone to relax and enjoy their meal.

4. Make dinner time a social experience. Dinner should be about enjoying your company and taking pleasure in the foods you're eating.

When you begin to look at mealtime as a social experience, it becomes easier to make the right choices about healthy foods. Suddenly you aren't so worried about rushing through and making it quick.

Dinner becomes a great experience when you're able to enjoy healthy foods together. Take time to eat as a family and enjoy a real conversation with each other. Talking will naturally slow down your eating pace, while also reconnecting you with your family members.

Using these techniques will bring all kinds of healthy benefits to your family and teach your children a healthy lifestyle. Healthy food choices are a possibility in your busy life if you take the time to plan ahead and make dinner time a priority in your home.

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About the Author:
Will is the owner of and writes on a variety of subjects. You can also visit his opportunity site at

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